Welcome to Charmonium, a story about humanity’s pursuit of knowledge. The work is built on 20 years of research I have done; combining science, history, and philosophy in my own personal pursuit of knowledge.

Charmonium is being written in an experimental fashion, and this is an ongoing work in progress. What you are seeing is a published draft, with errors just as God made us. I don’t apologize for any mistakes or awful design choices. In order to have progress, you have to start somewhere, and right here and right now seems like just as good as any. Any incompleteness in this work only allows for room to grow.

There is an improvisational element to the work as it will take on a life of its own, where readers will also have the opportunity to become part of the story as we begin this journey together. As such, there are some parts I’m just as anxious as anyone to find out what they become.

I want very much for this project to be something that inspires humanity to work towards progress. I am happy you are here and hope you enjoy.


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